
Thursday, December 17, 2015

                     Class / Self Evaluation 

During this period of time , what i have liked about this class was that we learn new statements, learing how to type faster , and made a blogger . However, i have learn new medical careers that i never knew of and maybe become one of of them when i grow up . Yet, some of the things i didnt liked about this class was that we had to stay in our sits the whole time . For some how i dont like sitting down alot i think we should have stretch for a few seconds and continue on with class.
Q)  Did you really do your best in this class ?
A) I believe i did my best in this class becasue i have never misbehave in this class and i always asked questions when i needed help but the only thing i need to work on is my relfection on the student sucess statements because i couldnt type aleast 10 sentences .
Q) Are you committed to being a CTR  person ? Why or Why Not?
A) I am being committed to being a CTR person because being a good person is always the right path to a sucessful life . Always do the right !!!!

Friday, December 11, 2015

                                                               IDP Showcase
My IDP showcase was the most embarrasing and nervous experience that has ever happen to me . These showcase went good because we all say our part and we didnt miss up. Our topic that we have to do was COPD ( Chroinc Obstrutive Plumary Disease ) . However, some things i learned that be keep clam and know that there barley people seeing you present your showcase. Yet, im gald that its all over and know that we did not did bad nor good but now we know for our next showcase . In addition , it went by so fast it took no more than 10 mintues .

                                              " Always do right. " ~ Mark Twain

What this quote means that always do the right thing in everything. For example, when see someone litter on the floor and you go put it up and throw it to the trash can . You always have to do the right right if you want others to do the same . Doing the right thing is like receiving grace form others . Doing the right thing helps others do the right thing like paying it forward with kindness and loyalty. An other for example is volunteering to help others like if they need help on doing homework offer yourself and help them . Never stop doing the wrong thing because your not setting a good example to others .

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

" If we do what's right, we have no need to fear. "~ Evan Stephens

 What this quote says that when we do something right , we have no fear of what you did. For exmaple , if a lady at the groceries store does'nt has enough money you stand up and paid for her and you have no fear of what you just paid . Yet, dont be afraid for doing whats right because its never a wrong thing to do.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

" Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activties of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intellignce and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What this quote means that physical fitness is one important key of keeping healthy body. For example, maintaing a good weight give you more strength of learning and doing more physical activties.

                                                        Amsterdam , Nertherlands

In Amsterdam some interesting figures are how many bicycles , brigdes, canals , cinemas , or 
 markets.Yet, there alot of cool museums like the Van Gogh , Rijksmuseum , and the Anne Frank House . However, i would like to taste their culture food and see different places than i would mostly likely not see here in Los Angeles . 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

                                   "Kindness is the essence of greatness."~ Joseph  B. Wirthlin
What this quote means that being a kind person is  being a great person. For exmaple, helping others in work thats has to be done . Showing kindess is a great thing to do becasue no one would like you if your a bad person. Yet, be a kind person is like being the greatest person you can ever be.

Friday, November 20, 2015

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

 What this is trying to say is that do whats best for you to get a higher standard than what others had unexpect. For example , you being a ctr person and people thought that you never be a ctr. However, never excuse youself because that what makes you a failure and become a ctw person. Choosing the right gets you to a higher standard than a ctw person.

Thanksgiving is when you get together with family and friends for a day of feasting and football. We celebrate every year in November on the fourth thrusday. Most of us make tameles, pozsle, green beans , turkey , mashed potatoes , pumpkin pie , and alot more. Yet, its aslo the day to give thanks for . For examples like being thankful for everyone for being there through thin and thick . The first thanksgiving was in 1621. Thanksgiving is celebrate almost all over the world. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

              " If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it." ~ Marcus Aurelius

What this is trying to say that always doing the right thing should be done. Doing the wrong thing shouldn't be done. Yet, Even if its not true you shouldn't be saying to others because that can cause a  big repercussion,negative consequence.For example, saying a rumor about someone can cause you to get in trouble like getting your phone aaway from your parents or getting dentation from school.However, Always doing the right is better because you recivive more rewards .

Monday, November 16, 2015

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing." ~Chick Moorman

What this means that doing the right thing is better even if were losing or winning.For example, playing tag and you go run and they tag you but you kept on run but then you stop and your it because you notice that it was the right thing to do. However, Being an Right , honorable, and fair person is good even in a good or bad situation. Yet, Choosing the right is very good because you feel alot better than just winning like you being the greatest person. For example, giving a homeless person your food of plate it makes you feel good because you notice that they needed more than you. In addition choosing the right right is always the winning slide because your a very loyal , honest, and grateful person.

Duties & Responsibilities:  These specialists are physicians trained into a variety of cancer diagnostic and treatment procedures, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Yet, they also collect medical histories and perform physical evaluations in addition to basic administrative duties, for example maintaining records , coordinating with other medical , and managing the work of staff.
Salary:  $217, 856
Education: Doctor of Medicine degree and complete residency training programs and subspecialty training programs, which can take up to 15 years

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why Not?

I would like to become because I believe it’s a very good medical career. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

" 1) Have the courage to say No. 2) Have the courage to face the truth 3) Do the right because it is right. These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity " ~ W.Clement Stone

What this quote means that have courage of choosing the right. Don't be embarrassed of choosing the right. Yet, have courage of telling the truth because its part of choosing the right .However, Doing the right is right because we get more rewards .Choosing the right is living your life with intergrity because you are doing the right things. For Example, When your friends asking you to ditch class , you decide to do it or not so you say no and it makes you feel good . These 3 magic keys of living your life with integrity is about choosing the right .

                                                       High School Principal
Duties and Responsibilities: High school principals supervise and facilitate the daily operations of private or public high schools. Some of these are working with other schools/schools district, with state education officials, Establishing and implementing academic goals and curriculum and allocating financial resources. Yet, they also attend outside school events, meet with parents or oversee disciplinary activities which can extend over 40 hours.
Salary: $87,760
Education: master of Science or Doctor of education in Educational Administration

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?

I would like to be one because it seems an interesting job .However, you can be inspire by other people and help others.

Monday, November 9, 2015

  " He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destoryed ."  ~                                                                        Proverbs 13:20
What this quote means that the person who chooses the right goes to the right path. However, the people who chooses the wrong will go to the wrong path.For exmaple, the person who goes the right path is the person who is smarter and knows the right . And the person who goes the wrong path shall be dumb.
                                                    Veterans Day
1)      Veterans Day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War 1         ( November 11 ) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars
2)      The purpose of Veterans Day is the aftermath of World War 2 and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American Veterans of all wars
3)      It’s important to show honor on Veterans day because  they fight for our country and they Scarface  their lives for us
4)      Veterans day is on November 11
5)      A few ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day is helping them. For example, help them by paying a bill or something else.


                           7)   In a 2009report, there were estimated to be 21.9 million veterans

 8) My feelings regarding Veterans day is that we should all honor these heroes because they have done so much for us. For example, like maybe preventing another world war. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

                                      " The best recreation is to be good." ~ William Penn

What this quote means that doing something that you like to do comes from being good. For example like if like being outdoors you achieve by finishing your homework on time. Yet, being good could be one of the best recreation because you always are responsible about your work and you feel less more stress. Reaction is like relaxing more like active person. However, The worst recreation is being bad because if you get bad grades you wouldn't be able to be in a team . Being the best person you can be is getting the best because you always choose the right.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

      " Right is right , even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong , even if everyone is for it ." ~                                                                 William Penn
 What this quote means that when someone does the right thing , their people who always think its wrong. Yet, when someone does a wrong thing they think its right but its not . However, choosing the right is better because it makes us a better person . For example, when your classmates throws trash around the room and you do the right thing and pick it up but then the classmate comes and they dont want to or they lame it to other classmates.

Monday, October 26, 2015

                        " A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." ~ Proverbs 22:1

What this quote means that been known for is better than having so much money. For example, Elie Wiesel is very known for that he is a holocaust survivor and probably not that rich. Yet, they people known to have alot of money are mostly to be unchosen like some rich people are unknown and the good name are very well- known popluar.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

" If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right ,even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."                                                                 - Thomas S. Monson

What this quote means that your friends can always peer pressure you . But we have to stay for whats right because some things of what your friends do can be wrong and dangerous and can cause repercussion . We all have to do a change to see a change in this world. Once we have something nice more and more people see and they start following too. However, we all have to stand on what we see is bad or do bad because its the right thing to do and it makes us obedient. For example, when your friends do drugs and they offer you drugs we have to stay up because you have to tell them that its really bad for our health and even if they don't believe you just walk out and probably some of our friends that were there left too becuase they care about their health too.

Friday, October 16, 2015

       " A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." ~ Noemi Trigueros

 What this quote trying to say that being a great person maked them alot better. For exmaple, being an obedience person is the ones who are mostly to stay out. What i was trying to say that  being a ctr perosn is being an obedience person. However, it aslo means that you choose to be a CTR person and not a bad person.

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT Specialist)
Duties and Responsibilities: There are responsible for diagnosing and treating a number of conditions that originate in the head and neck including upper respiratory infections, balance and hearing problems, and thyroid problems. Yet, these specialists often face with a wide variety of patients who have numerous symptoms.
Salary: $302,500
Education: A Bachelor degree, Medical school, a residency, a license to practice medicine, and Board Certification

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?

Why? Why not?  I wouldn’t like to be one because this is a lot of work and most common syotoms people go to the doctor for.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

       " Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow? " ~  Alan Stein
        What this quote trying to stay is that success is should ALWAYS be your choice because that's how you achieve life goals. Yet, Success comes from obedience too. For example, being obedience makes us more Responsible on stuff like doing homework and turning it in on time. However, becoming obedience is a choice to becasue thats how we become sucessful too. Yet, sucess is not a accident becuase that the key of life goals.

Monday, October 12, 2015

" When Obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block." ~ James E.Faust

                   When obedience become a huge goal its becomes stronger ( building block ). Yet, if your not being obedience your blocks becomes stumbling. For example, i was helping my mom do chores until i game up and started to become lazy. Yet, if i keep becoming more obedience the more my building blocks become stronger and when I'm becoming less obedience the more my blocks becomes stumbling. Always make obedience your goal because you would be able to achieve alot more goals if your not obedience.Being disobedience cant make you achieve any of your goals.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

                                        " Success comes from obedience " ~ Celeste Salazar
Being successful comes from obedience because you do lots of caring stuff like being Responsible, Honest, and more. For example, you got all A's on your report card becasue your a hard-working and responsible student.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

      "Obedience... is the primary object of all sound education. " - Elizabeth Missing Sewell
What this quote trying to say is that being obedience is part of the key to the education. Yet, what im trying to say is that being happy and responsible is the main object of being a sucessful edeucation. However, it can be any kind of education. So being obeidence is the key to everythimg like to a sucessful in education, business , and more.A;ways be obedience !!!!!!
Duties & Responsibilities: These are physicians who treat skin and also may treat disorders related to hair and nails. Yet, they first do is conducting consultations with patients to see any developing diagnoses and treatment plans. Then, they perform dermatological screenings to check for any symptoms, suspicious lesions and potentially problematic area.
Salary: $ 87,010 - $ 307,634
Education: a college degree: Medical School Preparation, Medical school: Mastering in the basics, and Internship: Getting some practice  

Friday, October 2, 2015

                    "Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy."~ David Bednar
What this qoute trying to say is that being obedince is the main  key of becoming and being happy. For exmaple, helping others makes you happy becasue you might even recvive an award for helping like helping out with dinner and your mom gives you $5 for helping out and those 5 dolllars made you happy. Yet, being obedinece is the key to a sucess life.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

       " What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."                                                                              John Wooden
What Mr.Wooden trying to say that even if you play a sport that your really good at , you should be a very good too. For exmaple, i play like a pro when im playing basketball and once its over i dont show the good side becasue your probaldy not engertic as much as you were whiling playing the game. Being a better person than your basketball side is far important becasue being a good person is a 24/7 promise and a basketball player is like 3 or 4 hours.
John Wooden 
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
v  Seating the patients in the treatment area
v  Passing requested instruments to the dentist during dental produces
v  Sterilization and preparation of instruments
v  Taking impressions of teeth for study models
v  Polishing clinical crowns
v  Exposing and developing  X-RAYS
v  Providing assistance in the office with tasks such as appointment scheduling, record keeping, telephone management, and billing ordering supplies

Salary: $34,500
Education: There no education requirements right now. However, if you want to become one you will probably going to need a high school diploma and go to an on-the-job-training.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to become one? Why? Why not?

I would like to become because it’s a very easy job and you make a good salary per year.

Monday, September 28, 2015

                            " True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse." ~ Pathros
What this is trying to state that being very wealthy of the heart is better than having something valuable. What " true wealth is of the heart " means that having a good kind heart like for example not being means to others is having good heart. However, it also means " heart of gold ". Being a valuable person is alot better than having valuable stuff.
Duties and responsibilities:
v     Showing patients on oral healthcare
v     Examining teeth and diagnosing patients’ dental conditions by using tools such as x-rays  and more
v     Assessing treatment options and agreeing treatment plans with patients
v     Maintaining patients’ dental records
v     Marketing services to potential clients  

Salary:  $149,310
Education: Doctoral or Professional degree
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I wouldn’t like to be one because it’s too much work and it does it seem easy too. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

                                     " Obedience sums up our entire duty "~ Hosea Ballou
What Hosea Ballou is trying to say is that being on task makes us obedient. For example following the school rules like wearing your school uniform appropriate and daily make us obedient becasue you have self conference. However, obedience brings us to make us follow the rules.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Duties and responsibilities: Chiropractors does is they diagnose, treat and prevent mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and look at the effect of those disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.
Salary:  $66,160 USD
Education: Doctoral or professional degree

Thursday, September 17, 2015

         " The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are,  the more freedom we have." ~
                                                                Boyd K. Packer
what this quote trying to say that obedience is the key to freedom. Being obedient is choosing the right by following the rules, never disrespecting , and more. Yet, If you become disobedient you don't  have much freedom because you disobey the law which might have you in jail and if you disrespect your mom or someone you have less privileges.However, choosing the right has of alot of privileges because your a good person and you revive very great comments.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

                        " Obedience is the great test in life " ~ Thomas S. Monson
What Thomas Monson is trying to say that always being a good person because later on you will receive good things.For example, being a good person you can get very good complainants like you inspire me or something else.
Duties and responsibilities: The Cardiologist is responsible for the patient heart condition and circulatory health. Also the medication further heart problems like including blood pressure medicine. With further training they can become a heart surgeon. However, if they do, become one the spealize by heart transplant or sometime else.
Salary; $512,000
Education; you will need a bachelor degree then enroll into a medical program. Next, after completing the medical program you severe a couple of years of internal medicine.
Reflection; Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I wouldn’t become one it seems very dangerous and seeing too much blood makes me want to faint. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Image result for 9/11September 11, 2001 was the day that we lost 2,996 people including the 19 hijackers? It all started by a group of terrorists that hijacked a plane and stabbed the pilots. Then they took the plane and headed to the world trade center. The first twin tower was crashed was the one in the south then the north one .Yet, they both collapse and end yup killing hundreds and thousands of Americans. These brought so much terror to us, Americans because we don’t know what can happen next. However, there were still more attacks that happened in that same day. The one that happened @ Washington D.C @ the pentagon and in a field of Pennsylvania. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"Decisions Determine Destiny " - Thomas S. Monson 
Our decisions affect us in our destiny. The decisions we make, can be, sometimes good and sometimes bad. They can affect us so many differences anyways in life . The way we choose to live is they way we choose your decision. Even though our future isn't plan , most of ours decision are the way we think to say yes or no to our decision.For example, if i choose the right career you will enjoy it because you found it interesting .
                                                Athletic Trainer
Duties and Responsibilities: These trainers diagnose and treat injuries to bone and muscle with the direction of licensed doctor or other health-care professionals. However, they also prevent injury through the use of devices such as tape and braces. They do a little research to prevent illness and injuries.
Salary: $49,000
Education: Bachelor’s degree
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I would like to be one because it’s not a really hard job. However, its seems cool because you can also met Olympic athlete.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Favorite Hobby My BFF:)

One of my favorite hobbies is spenting time my BFFs. Every Tuesdaywe would go eat afterschool like Carls jr., Chinese Food , and pizza . After that we would probaldy go to Bethune park and go to the playground and play like if we were little kids. We would aslo take selfies and record ourself doing crazy or dumb stuff. We always had adventures like last time when we went to El Super we were running around laughing since we were talking about someone lol. It use to be fun until high school came we all got separted but still our fun still contines. We were some crazy as girls back in my middle schools  days. 
                                                Ambulance Dispatcher
 Duties & Responsibilities: For receiving emergency and non-emergency telephone calls from the public and primary public safety answering points. Yet, the work involves like evaluating incoming calls to determine if the need the firefighters, ambulance, police, and etc.
Salary: $ 36,300
Education: The minimum education and experience is to be least 21 years of age with a high school diploma or GED.Yet, requires at least 2 years of public safety dispatching or 911 call center experience.
Image result for ambulance dispatcher  
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I wouldn’t like to become one because someone can get traulize of what they hear and I believe that it will put ne in a scary position too.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Duties and Responsibilities: To check the patients’ health before they do acupuncture. The acupuncturist explains about the diagnoses and the concerns about this treatment. They might have to take multiple treatments to fell a lot better.
Salary: $72,000
Education: a master degree and an acupuncture program
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I don’t like to be one it does sound fun doing this, putting needles into bodies.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Duties and responsibilities:
v  Giving advice to the patients about their lenses type, their frame, and style.
v  Knowing which contract lenses are the best match for their eyes.
Salary: 34,000
Education; A high school diploma with on job training. Yet, associate's degree or bachelor's degree in optician for career advancement (if you want to earn more earnings).However, there no speafic requirements to become an optician.

 Reflection: I would not like to become an optician because it’s not that interesting because anyone can do this.  I believe that I need to be more challenging.